As the old saying goes dogs are Man’s Best Friend. The relationship between humans and dogs dates back for centuries. Dogs have shown the capacity to love their human owners more than any other animal seems to and they’re happy working for us or simply being our companions in life. To us all dogs are amazing, but some dogs are even more amazing than others this video is a special delight for dog and animal lovers everywhere as we show you the most amazing dogs who ever lived
11. Balto
There are many stories of Brave clever dogs saving lives, but Balto was a dog so heroic that there’s a statue dedicated to his honor in New York Central Park.
Balto was a Siberian Husky who lived from 1919 until 1933 and came to National prominence during a diphtheria outbreak in Alaska. During the 1920s the outbreak threatened the lives of the population of Nome, but the only antidote to it was miles Away
in Anchorage. Doctors tried to transport the antidote by plane but the engine of the plane froze in Sub-Zero conditions leaving dog sleds as the only workable solution. Balto was the bravest and strongest dog involved in the operation. On February 2nd 1925 with conditions so bad that humans couldn’t see their own hands in front of their faces, Balto
dragged his sled through the Iditarod Trail and across the top Coke River completing the trip in total darkness.
When the human contingent of the team was all asleep without Balto’s noble solo effort the shipment wouldn’t have made it to its destination and the humans on the sled would have died in the effort.