As the old saying goes dogs are Man’s Best Friend. The relationship between humans and dogs dates back for centuries. Dogs have shown the capacity to love their human owners more than any other animal seems to and they’re happy working for us or simply being our companions in life. To us all dogs are amazing, but some dogs are even more amazing than others this video is a special delight for dog and animal lovers everywhere as we show you the most amazing dogs who ever lived
12. Martha
Believe any dog should be called ugly but we suppose some dogs are prettier than others and that means some dogs are uglier than others too. With that in mind here’s the official owner of the title of “ugliest dog” in the world.
Martha a Neapolitan Mastiff from California has won thousands of dollars of prize money for her owner in ugly dog competitions but that doesn’t mean she has an unhappy life.
With the money her owner Shirley Zindler has been able to pay for surgery to correct her vision. Martha was almost blind when she was rescued as a puppy but now she can see perfectly. Now a fully grown 125 pound dog, her face droops across the ground when she lays on her side, but she still manages to be cute even with all of her wobbly loose skin and her slobber. Her original owner didn’t want her but Shirley loves Martha just the way she is.