

Since he was cremated and will not be buried, here is what his tombstone would say:



Here lies Finny. The sweetest lil ankle biter you ever would meet, who loved his human and also being “outside.” Rest in peace, my sweet prince.

Finny loved nothing more than just to be by my side (well, maybe being outside or going for walks) and was the greatest tv companion.

I am saddened by not being at his side that faithful moment when that car hit him and drove off. I am mad that I will not get to see him grow old like other dogs.

But I rejoice in the fact that I experienced what I hope and feel in my heart of hearts was his love for me. He passed in my arms quickly and quietly, and I couldn’t have asked for a better way.

He was always there for me. He listened to me talk when when no one else would. He enjoyed waiting to see what new treats i would give him, and loved bacon and rice and eggs. I loved to sing to him. I think he liked it.

Thank you for being my friend, Mr Puppy, my poppy chullo… You will be sorely missed.

by Erika W.
(St. Marys, GA USA )



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