Home Drama 5 Dogs That Died Saving Their Owners Life

5 Dogs That Died Saving Their Owners Life


Can you imagine a five pound poodle fighting off a wild animal that’s 40 times larger in order to save her family? Or a service dog sacrificing its life by jumping in between an
apex predator and its owner ? Well, when it comes to protecting their families, a loyal dog cannot be deterred by any threat – no matter how big or scary.

Time and time again, these courageous companions have prevented the worst from happening by saving their owners lives.
They will keep their loved ones safe at all costs, even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice.

We’re celebrating these unsung heroes by counting down the most heroic dogs and what they did in the crucial moments to save their owners lives.

4. Number four: a service dog gave her life to save owner from Florida’s apex predator.

Veteran Robert Lineburger had a service dog named Precious. She was trained to sense oncoming seizures and alert Robert before they actually happened. That way, Robert could better prepare for his episodes, as it meant Precious was always by his side.

But one night, while Robert was walking Precious in the Port Labelle Marina, he noticed an odd scratching sound just a few feet away.
The dock was poorly lit at night, and it was near impossible to make out what or where the sound was coming from. But before Robert could figure out what was happening, Precious jumped in front between the threat and her owner. It was a massive 13-foot alligator ready to attack!
And in an instant, the gator got hold of Precious and dragged her into the water, leaving Robert both stunned and speechless.

The faithful companion was by his side every waking moment for six years. She was essential in keeping him from having seizure episodes in dangerous situations. But in her final moments, Precious protected her owner one last time, though sacrificing her life to do so.



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