Home Stories 10 Dogs that were heroes of all times

10 Dogs that were heroes of all times


They’re referred to as man’s best friend, known for being loyal, and have even risked their lives to save others. In this installment, we’re going to look at some truly memorable pooches throughout history. These aren’t your morning cartoon canines, either; these are true tales of unforgettable hounds, and whether their story is heroic, tragic, or intriguing, they all earned their place in this video! Bust out the box of tissues, you might be blubbering at the end of this one!


10. Capitan

Let’s get a truly sad and heartbreaking tale out of the way first.
This is the story of a German shepherd named Capitan who shows an immense loyalty between man and beast.

In 2006 Capitan owner and best friend Manuel Guzman passed away, an event the dog took so hard that it eventually ran away. When the surviving family members visited the grave of dear Manuel a week after his death, they found Capitan laying at the graveside of his former owner.
According to Guzman’s widow, the dog had never been taken to the cemetery prior but for a period of over six years the loyal companion makes it a point to be back at the grave site at six o’clock in the evening to spend the night with his deceased owner.




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