Hunter, in summary. A dog story.


Hunter was born to November 17th, in a foster home of Eleven Eleven Animal Rescue. To a mother who was rescued as a pregnant stray only a week and a half before giving birth.

He was born with an underdeveloped right leg, which his mother persistently clean and injured while doing so. Because of his deformity, he was also not able to fight with his siblings to have a chance to eat. For his survival, we made the decision to separate and hand raise him.

A note from his foster;

Week 1; When i took him home on Monday November 22nd, he was 4 days old and 450g. We all knew it would be a miracle if he even survived, he was already on his way out as he had hardly eaten since he was born because of his deformity he could just not get around the same the rest of the litter could. I was determined to fight for his life, as long as he would keep fighting for himself.

So it started; bottle feeding every 2-3 hours, all day and night, changing his bandage 2 or more times a day, hydrotherapy twice a day, antibiotics and subcutaneous fluids to re-gain his hydration. My days felt like nights, and nights like days, at work i was so tired i could not work and at home i was too tiered to sleep. He took over my life, anywhere i went he had to come with. If i had errands to do, i only had 2 hour lee ways. He came to work with me, to long rescue events on weekend, he because and extension of me.

Week 2; was an exciting week as his eyes opened, and he started trying to crawl, he was eating on his own without me force-feeding him and no longer needed fluid under his skin for hydration. Crawling was hard for him, and he cried (screamed) a lot, frustrated by not understanding what was holding him back.

Week 3; Before i knew it, we were on week 3 and his teeth were coming through. Neither of us, or my neighbours slept that week.

Week 4; came and went, he grew bigger, stronger, feistier, and started to play with anything he could spot with his now fully functioning eyes. His ears were also in full swing and he learned how to bark (or his version of barking). He took pride in alerting us of any movement in the apartment.

Week 5; was Christmas, It felt like i was watching a miracle seeing him so alive on Christmas morning. I cant tell you how many times i was told he would die, how many times i thought that myself. Watching him chew at the presents and play with the other dogs, was the best Christmas present i could have ever imagined.

Week 6; He was weaned, and my round the clock bottle feeding subsided but now it was house training. Late nights and early mornings taking him outside, every 2-3 hours to prevent accidents, especially with his bladder infection. House training in the dead of winter, was a feat in itself.

Week 7; Was a week of accomplishments, he was fearless. He conquered stairs, steps, fears, moved forward with any fear or hesitation he had held. He learnt to run, without face planting. He learnt to love the snow, and dived right in any snow bank.

This all lead up to week 8, the one week i dreaded.

Week 8; he had his amputation, to remove what was left of his leg, infected and necrotic. I had nightmares about what his reaction to the anestesia would be, as if i was already not sleeping enough. But it had to be done, he would die of the infection if left any longer. He went into surgery with Dr. Seto, and had an absolutely stable surgery and wonderful recovery. Defeating odds, yet again.

Week 9; He came down with gastro and had to be hospitalized, but the next day he was back to himself. He was housetrained, and we worked on basic training which he picked up like a champion. This was the first week for the first time ever, i saw my two dogs accept another dog as their family when they lay their heads on his stomach to sleep.

Week 10; he got adopted at 19 pounds, 8, 618 grams. Yesterday he went to his new home, his new life. I did not love this dog, i was in love with him as if he were my own child. I know for the rest of my life, a day will not go by that i do not think of him, and wish he was with me. But i loved him enough to know, he could have a better life than what i could offer him. I loved him enough, to let him go. I know, i could not give him the incredible life he has now, and forever.

There will be more, there will always be more rescues, but i dream of the day pet owners will become responsible and no more puppies (or any animal) like him will need our help.

Caroline Ross, A.H.T/T.S.A
Founder, Eleven Eleven Animal Rescue
Adopt a Pet, Save a Life

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