Home Drama CAPS vs. Bauck, How a Small Nonprofit Brought Down a Large Puppy...

CAPS vs. Bauck, How a Small Nonprofit Brought Down a Large Puppy Mill


This professionally produced documentary follows the undercover employment of a CAPS investigator, who compiled the evidence necessary for Kathy Bauck, one of the largest and most notorious USDA-licensed dog brokers in the country, to be convicted of animal cruelty. This conviction led to the termination of Bauck’s USDA license.

Update: USDA permanently revoked the broker’s license of Kathy Bauck on September 14, 2011. This action was based on evidence CAPS supplied to USDA proving that Bauck was using her maiden name to illegally sell to pet shops with a terminated license. The USDA’s decision prevents her from engaging in the commercial production and resale of dogs to pet shops and Internet sellers. The agency also banned Bauck’s husband, daughter and sister from ever obtaining USDA licenses.

USDA has required the licensing and inspection of Internet sellers since September 2013, so Bauck cannot sell puppies online. Federal regulation of Internet puppy and kitten sellers came about because of a scathing report by the USDA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG). CAPS was the impetus for OIG’s audit/investigation/report.



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