Sally, My Dalmatian


I am full of tears, and I don’t cry often. My dad brought Sally from a dog shelter in 2006, and she was already 2-3 years old.

She was the most discreet, well-mannered dog I ever had. A proper “lady.” Never causing trouble, yet doing her own thing when she found a chance, although always discreetly and covertly.

Ten years later she became an old lady and had severe pain with arthritis. I was too weak to be there with her when the vet euthanized her. My dad and sister went there.

I am angry at my father because he brought another dog (which I also love) while Sally was still alive. He didn’t let Sally in the house often because she had problems with incontinence. She felt jealous. I feel like we betrayed her. I am so sorry for that, baby.

I used to give her massages, anything to soothe her pain.

Please forgive me. I will always love you and will always remember you. Take care. Hope to meet with you again some day, in another dimension, and hug you.

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