Home Loving Memory Gambit, We Love You Very Much

Gambit, We Love You Very Much


Gambit “Gambi” Slezak-McDaniel came into our lives 15 and half years ago. Since then we have slept most every night together (and many lazy afternoons). He was a happy dog and brought joy to everyone he knew. He was serene and stoic at times followed by bouts of hyper energy. And he loved to be loved.

Over the past few years he started getting cataracts, and arthritis. But with a great vet, and good meds, he truly seemed comfortable. Recently, however, he started losing weight and finally had two stroke events.

We held our fur baby and told him how loved he was, and thanked him for giving us such happiness and for his unwavering companionship and love. And then we kissed him good-bye as he drifted off.

15 and half years. Our puppy. Our best friend. Our furry child.

We love you so much, Gambit, and miss you every single day.

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